This plain 1990’s builder grade pantry door was ugly and needed an upgrade! We had wanted an old vintage skinny door we had found when sifting through my late father in law‘s storage shed- but it was too wide, this one is loosely based off that door 💙
Cleaned well with white lightening mixed with hot water and using a finishing pad to scrub the grim, I cleaned her. Next, I rinsed her with vinegar and water well. After that, I painted one coat of Dixie Belle‘s Antebellum Blue paint, then it was time for mouldings!
I applied woodubend mouldings and trim and filled in gaps between with dixie mud.
Then paint second coat of Antebellum Blue and then use Pine Cone to add age and cover lightly the mouldings and trim. *See video below to watch me do this!
Next use the pretty bright colors with a plastic spatula to create a chippy look over mouldings.
*See video below to watch me do this!
Add brown wax and remove immediately to create that aged look over the bright colors and around the edges of the mouldings!
Add to the bottom of door as well ...
Ta-da! A vintage ornate door is born 💙
Recipe for this Bohemian Pantry Door:
-white lightening (to clean)
-Antebellum Blue (2 coats of paint)
-Pine Cone & Easy Peasy Spray Wax (for aging)
-Tree Frog Green & Daisy, Daisy, Honky Tonk Red, Mason Dixon Gray & Lucky Lavender, Putty (for hand painted mouldings)
- Best Dang Wax Brown (wipe back immediately)
-Clear Coat Satin to Seal
-Woodubend Mouldings: center 2092, set of scrolls 1338 and trim 4124
-Dixie Mud (to seal cracks between mouldings and trim)
Watch full tutorial here:
See how to apply just the mouldings here: