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Meleah’s Favorite Things 2020, Romantic Grunge Kit, Favorite Dixie Belle Paint Colors, Best Gifts

It’s that time of year where all the creatives try to attempt and explain all the things we would love to have for Xmas 🤣- that is if we can decide! So I’m here to share ALL my most favorite things with you! 💃🏻

My “Romantic Grunge Kit” 🥀

- Gilding Wax Black or Best Dang Wax Black (for the ”dirt”)

- Easy Peasy Spray Wax (to help move the wax, make cool spots, or to make custom colored liquid wax)

- Gemstone Mousse Garnet and Amber (to create grunge hardware and hinges and highlight details)

- Voodoo Gel Stain Bayou Moss (to create the “mossy” bottoms and grunge)

- Sea Spray Texture Additive (to create the “grit” and textured character)


My Top 10 ”Go To” Paint Colors


-Holy Guacamole

-Colonel Mustard

-Tea Rose


-Mud Puddle



-Rebel Yellow

-Plum Crazy


Favorite “Tools”

- Dixie Belle French Tip Brush

- Dixie Belle Mini Synthetic Brush

- Wood Graining Tool

- Rad Pads

- Morocco Stencil

- Mister Bottle


My “All Time Fav“ Products

- Howdy Doo Hemp Oil (sealing outdoor raw wood, sealing painted metal, sealing dark paints, sealing and maintenance of cutting boards, knife blocks, etc...)

- Dixie Belle Mud Brown (fixing chipped veneer, filling scratches, raised stencils)

- Big Mama’s Butta Orange (for conditioning interiors, keeping paint jar rims opening easily, stainless steel sink in the kitchen)

- Scrubby Soap Orange (for cleaning wax and paint from brushes or me 😆) - White Lightening (for prep/cleaning of furniture & cleaning brushes)


My Favorite Embellishments

- Woodubend Rose Duo Moulding #2460

- Woodubend Single Rose #319

- Woodubend Keyhole #996

- Woodubend Trim #4124

- Woodubend Pair of Corner Scrolls #2102


Well I sure hope this holiday season, no matter how different it may look, brings you and your loved ones joy and love! I hope that this list helps you or someone you love, pick some amazing items to help create something truly beautiful to grow the creative mind! 💛

Happy Painting 👩🏻‍🎨


*Some of these links may be affiliate links and I may earn a small credit for those orders, this blog/video are not sponsored by anyone.


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