It’s that time of year where all the creatives try to attempt and explain all the things we would love to have for Xmas 🤣- that is if we can decide! So I’m here to share ALL my most favorite things with you! 💃🏻
My “Romantic Grunge Kit” 🥀
- Gilding Wax Black or Best Dang Wax Black (for the ”dirt”)
- Easy Peasy Spray Wax (to help move the wax, make cool spots, or to make custom colored liquid wax)
- Gemstone Mousse Garnet and Amber (to create grunge hardware and hinges and highlight details)
- Voodoo Gel Stain Bayou Moss (to create the “mossy” bottoms and grunge)
- Sea Spray Texture Additive (to create the “grit” and textured character)
My Top 10 ”Go To” Paint Colors
-Holy Guacamole
-Colonel Mustard
-Tea Rose
-Mud Puddle
-Rebel Yellow
-Plum Crazy

Favorite “Tools”
- Dixie Belle French Tip Brush
- Dixie Belle Mini Synthetic Brush
- Wood Graining Tool
- Rad Pads
- Morocco Stencil
- Mister Bottle
My “All Time Fav“ Products
- Howdy Doo Hemp Oil (sealing outdoor raw wood, sealing painted metal, sealing dark paints, sealing and maintenance of cutting boards, knife blocks, etc...)
- Dixie Belle Mud Brown (fixing chipped veneer, filling scratches, raised stencils)
- Big Mama’s Butta Orange (for conditioning interiors, keeping paint jar rims opening easily, stainless steel sink in the kitchen)
- Scrubby Soap Orange (for cleaning wax and paint from brushes or me 😆) - White Lightening (for prep/cleaning of furniture & cleaning brushes)
My Favorite Embellishments
- Woodubend Rose Duo Moulding #2460
- Woodubend Single Rose #319
- Woodubend Keyhole #996
- Woodubend Trim #4124
- Woodubend Pair of Corner Scrolls #2102
Well I sure hope this holiday season, no matter how different it may look, brings you and your loved ones joy and love! I hope that this list helps you or someone you love, pick some amazing items to help create something truly beautiful to grow the creative mind! 💛
Happy Painting 👩🏻🎨
*Some of these links may be affiliate links and I may earn a small credit for those orders, this blog/video are not sponsored by anyone.